Phil M Jones’ 4 Strategies for Knowing Exactly What to Say

Phil M Jones has spent a lifetime mastering the words that move people into action. Put simply, he knows “exactly what to say.” During our conversation for the first episode of The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Podcast, he shared the following advice on how to improve your communication skills, build stronger relationships, and achieve your goals more quickly.

1. Prepare for the recurring key moments in your life.

The worst time to think of what to say is the moment you need to say it. Phil told us that conversations, just like lifetimes, are just a series of “moments.” He explained that the key to knowing “exactly what to say” begins with understanding what the recurring key moments in your profession and life are. Once you have them identified, you can develop a pantry of words to choose from ahead of time. Preparation for these moments allows you to focus on your delivery instead. 

Pro Tip: Focus on three critical conversations: one in your personal life, one in your role as a leader, and one that’s going to put money in your pocket.

2. Ask questions on the front end to avoid problems on the back end.

Questions are the fuel that a good conversation runs on. Phil uses questions, mainly in the sales process, to uncover the “why” behind someone’s actions. When problems arise, you bring people back to their “why” to help them power through adversity.

3. Be intentional in the first 15 seconds of a conversation.

The first 15 seconds of a conversation are crucial. This is when you’re making a first impression and setting the tone for the rest of the interaction. Phil uses one of three frameworks to start any conversation: a genuine compliment, sincere recognition, or the request of an opinion. These frameworks help him to join the other person’s story or to invite them into his.

4. Work on three critical conversations at any given time.

As mentioned above, it’s important to focus on three critical conversations: one in your personal life, one in your role as a leader, and one that’s going to put money in your pocket. By working on these conversations, you’ll be prepared to handle any situation that comes your way. You’ll also be able to build stronger relationships and achieve your goals more quickly.

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